Conquering Ones Everest by Atul Karwal, IPS
Comfort zone is safe and our anxiety levels are low. But change is law of nature. To adapt to change, learning is essential. To learn, one has to leave the comfort zone.
To be the change, one has to start with our inner world. Be the change that you wish to see in the world. Once your goals are set, work out the process to achieve those goals. Once the process is determined, devote completely to the process. Goals will follow.
Atul Karwal at age of 45, scaled Mount Everest in 2008. He engaged in a very intensive training regime - starting at midnight at 12 am and running with a 50-55 kg load on his back till 5 am. He also climbed 17 storey building with a 25 kg load at least 15 times.
Angela Duckworth said that talent mattered but grit mattered twice, not once. Practice built skills and practice made skills productive. Too many people quit far too early. Consistency of effort over long run is everything.
Atul Karwal jee embodies grit. He put his heart and soul into conquering Everest and divine energy helped. He did it.
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